A New Era in Breast Augmentation

In March of 2012, the FDA approved Sientra®’s Silimed-brand implants – the original “gummy bears” that Dr. Stevens has been offering on a clinical trial basis since 2002, and that have been available in Europe since 1995. This marked a milestone in breast implant evolution and a benefit for women in the U.S. seeking breast augmentation.
These high-strength, form-stable implants were designed to be longer lasting and provide an attractive, predictable shape and natural feel. They have a lower incidence of complications than their counterparts, and have demonstrated remarkable durability and shape retention qualities. Sientra offers 9 models, and is the only implant manufacturer in the world that makes round gummy bears.
The Natrelle® 410 from Allergan received FDA approval in February of 2013, and Mentor’s version of the gummy bear is anticipated to receive approval in 2013 as well. All of this is great news for women who want more choices when it comes to silicone implants.
Dr. Stevens was among the first board-certified plastic surgeons to offer gummy bear breast implants in Los Angeles, and they can help you to decide if they are right for you. Receive a FREE consultation with one of them when you request your appointment online and schedule during select times they have set aside exclusively for Web visitors.
To understand how gummy bear breast implants are taking breast augmentation to the next level, visit the following pages:
Implant Evolution – See how breast implants have changed through the generations, culminating in today’s gummy bears.
Gummy Bears 101 – Learn all about the innovative form-stable implants that are the next wave in breast augmentation.
Silicone Implant Options – See a side-by-side comparison of 4th and 5th generation silicone implants and your different options with each.
Vectra® 3-D Imaging – This amazing technology allows you to “try before you buy,” and get a realistic preview of your results.
Breast Implant Studies – If you’re an information junkie, we’ve got all of the data you need to understand why gummy bears are revolutionizing breast augmentation.